miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Dudley Jones

First Detail Section...

 Preliminary section overview - The books create the library. The idea was initially that rather than a structure for a library or an installation of sorts; the client or occupant of the building would be free to choose how their activity of reading was to be carried out, allowing them to use the books to create the environment that they felt appropriate for them. It was intended to be both flexible and generate freedom.

This is the first detail, it was intended to show the floor meeting the void at which the books had been used to create seating for the person reading. Although, since then much has changed to develop the concept. The level of detail will also be improved...

Second drawings soon ...

Overview of the grand scheme in section...

Maison a Bordeaux
Plan of the concept; activity is reading formulated from the cultural concept of accessibility.

Section Overview...

Section 1, the internal reading space...

The place to create your own reading environment...

The concept originated from accessibility and the need to access information, reading being the important factor here. The original propose was for a design whereby the client themselves are in control of the reading environment that they create using the books as a building material. However, this on first thought was seen as too theoretical. Therefore, I proposal a spiral book shelf that spans the height of the void in Maison a Bordeaux, like a huge column so books can be accessed anywhere. The library form, consumes the client within it with the suspended walkways. Like with the original concept I have allowed space for people to still create their preferred reading environment on the outside using books to create a seat or for children build a 'den' out of books to read in...they books are the building fabric of the imagination and reality.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Dudley,

    I think you have to explore a little bit with the section of the library...when I have read your text something came into my mind, I imagine a kind of structure that can be moved in the wheel that you have defined,so, if you come from the opposite side of the library it could be easy to pick whatever book you want, because as I can remember, the house that you were working with talks about accessibility and for me that is important to keep in the project.

    Good luck!

  2. Hey Dud!
    Like the idea of create a giant bookshelf on the space left by the platform... maybe you can create a way to acced to the different books floors throuw the own bookshelf... as if some way you create a "column of knoledge" where you can travel in.
