sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Alfonso Melero Beviá

The children of the Villa Bollen have grown and they are really dependent on technology, they need a workspace itself, but this has caused increasingly distance themselves from their parents. It is therefore necessary a space to create a connection between the workspace of the children and activities of the parents, in a way that they can coexist and interact to foster family relationships.

In the renovation of the Bollen House one of the most important actions which involve its transformation to become a XXI century house is the action of working. This action depends on many factors and one of them is the position of the sun.
Once we know which is the ideal position of the sun for the activity we can use this knowledge to improve the performance that sun gives us by itself. Although the position is ideal, this does not mean that the amount of sunlight is so too, so we need a solar control system that enables us to adapt the light that the sun provides us depending on the context where we are and the needs of the moment.
The landscape surrounding the house must be present in all activities of daily life, even in the work, which also requires certain isolation from the rest of the house.
The result of the combination of these two requirements, solar control and relationship to nature, is a glass wall along with an adjustable opacity mesh that enables us to graduate the sunlight without losing the sight of the landscape outside.

Final detail in process...

The house already has a connection with nature, actually the problem is how to introduce the work area in the house keeping it isolated from the rest of the house but maintaining the relationship with it to foster family relationships and having a relationship with nature.
A variable opacity glass partition separates a room in work area and family area with visual but not acoustic connection between them. This glass allows people working to become completely isolated from the house and it becomes an element of family relationship and a working tool to project images on it. This space has two tables which cross perpendicularly the glass, so that they can move them for using them in both areas.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hola Afonso,
    Pienso que tu detalle tiene ideas muy interesantes, como son el transformar un espacio tan solo variando la opacidad de un objeto, ya sea ventana o pared, y entonces creo que sería interesante que repensaras la aplicación de esas ideas, intentado transformar de mayor manera el espacio y la arquitectura.
    Un saludo

  2. Creo que también sería interesante que la pared de cristal pudiera abrirse y cerrarse para ampliar el espacio. Por ejemplo cuando no se esté trabajando la ventana desaparece y el estudio se convierte en una amplia terraza. De esta manera aumentaría el control sobre la permeabilidad del espacio.
    Buen trabajo!

  3. Está muy bien tu planteamiento pero quizá se quede algo corto, al fin y al cabo las ventanas con control solar son algo que podemos ver en nuestro día a día. Por otro lado, la relación con la naturaleza parece quedarse algo escasa, podemos verla pero no percibirla con ningún otro sentido.
    Se me ocurre una especie de malla o red muy fina (en vez de esa pared de vidrio), que haga que los olores y los sonidos de la naturaleza la traspasen; podría ser una red que pudiera variar la temperatura del cuarto, como si fuera una especie de tela semitransparente que irradiara calor cuando hiciera frío, una red que deje ver, oler y oír la naturaleza en el entorno de trabajo. El aspecto sería el siguiente: http://img.clasf.mx/2012/07/27/malla-antiafidos-anti-insectos-anti-mosquita-blanca-20120727030423.jpg

    Espero no liarte. Un saludo.

  4. Hola Alfonso,

    This is a cool idea and I have not come across this mesh material before so you have shown me something new! My only suggestion is that rather than just giving the user a visual connection to the natural surroundings, maybe consider exploring the idea of increasing the connection to nature, by maybe extending various areas of the house into the surrounding environment and opening them up. This could create a number of inside/outside spaces, where the user(s) could work and feel amongst the trees, plants, flowers and natural fresh air. The mesh fabric that you are proposing could still be used, but by altering the form and openings you could have a stronger effect.

  5. Alfonso Buen trabajo! Estoy con Alba en que veo que se queda algo corto. La idea de acercar mas aun la naturaleza al despacho seria genial, pues crearía una vinculación especial. Pienso, que a esto se le puede dar un buen giro. Creo que la idea de solo anteponer dos materiales para crear dichas sensaciones. La conexión podría ser mayor, creando con aberturas, grandes y pequeñas donde se pueda enmarcar la naturaleza, y se pueda sentir mucho mas. Mucha Suerte!

  6. Hola Alfonso!
    Estoy de acuerdo con Rubén que poder abrir el interior hacia el exterior le daria a tu dibujo un extra de interes de manera que puedes integrar la naturaleza en el proyecto a varias escalas.
