jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Borja Castillo

First drawing
At first, it was chosen to work with the ground as an important part of the eating. It was for this reason that was analysed and searched for a better possibility to which it is in the home today.

This action is trying to do following the guidelines of the house, ie Japanese concepts of the dwelling and the importance of the floor in it, the place where everything happens. Along with this, it was intended to keep the relocation of activities and the ease of adapting the house to various situations that their users need.

For all this there was a section that reflects the act of sitting, and as constructively this action may be a more comfortable and enjoyable situation.

Second drawing
In a second stage is thought to go beyond the action of sitting, thinking the construction detail more broadly.

Based on the explanation of the construction material, which is a plastic material similar to viscolatex, which requires a process of adaptation to the form, being stiff at first, and gradually acquires the desired shape, giving greater comfort. Is proposed a surface of these features, thought to going barefoot, as is done in Japanese homes. The peculiarity of this floor is having different hardnesses and depths, creating places that are more suitable than others for certain activities.

The problem of having a surface that fits all, it is not suitable for any specific activity, thus the surface of the house may serve to accentuate any activity but positive characteristics in certain areas, such as it is seen in the section.

For this reason it was thought a section three different scales, in order to explain its use, and it works.

Final drawing
Now the goal is to constructively surface from a viscoelastic surface to finish with one designed and built from zero. This surface is a place where the home zones and the movement thereof depending on the activity that takes place above it become important. The surface layers have, in a first moment, the bottom layer is a latex with a high hardness, which is supported on an array of polyethylene foam tubes reinforced. This material is very good as regards thermal insulation, so that hot air can be introduced therein, if desired. On the upper floor, places a reinforced textile which covers this matrix.

This way you get that adaptation to the different activities are better and not so drastically change the hardness of the floor. I need to optimize this surface is to know how it works and adjust the movements of your body to function the same, knowing that it will work very well anyway and that the versatility and usefulness of this surface is greater than the previous solution.

The created surface is formed with the materials listed and described above with a particular intention: The homogeneity of uses has the floor. It is important to emphasize the hardness of the ground, as it may seem soft to walk on it, which would make it difficult to walk or perform certain activities, it will not thanks to the polyethylene foam tubes and viscolatex. The combination of these two systems generates a shock absorbing rigid floor and where the feeling when walking would be the same as with a conventional floor if using a suitable viscolatex thickness, close to 50 mm. However if desired the more comfortable feeling from the start of viscolatex thicknesses should be closer to 150 mm tubes and, therefore, next to 100 mm. Anyway not be too soft because of the stiffening layer which is in the top.

With this new design element is to make life easier for people living in that house, following their philosophy of life, and what they want, from the study of uses and likes, the social component of the house. What makes the house unique.

5 comentarios:

  1. So, the aim of your project is working with the surface of the floor. As I'm waiting for your final drawing I think I can only tell you to be in mind all the weights that can be at the same time in the same m2, and, moreover, the uses that are going to be taken in the house!

    Good luck!

  2. Al leer el conflicto entre las diferentes acciones y usos que puede tener el suelo me han venido a la mente los líquidos no newtonianos. Con el comportamiento de este tipo de materiales cuya densidad no es constante tendrias un material muy blando y adaptable para acciones como las de sentarse a comer y un suelo estable y algo más rigido con acciones como caminar sobre el.

    Reading the conflict between different actions and uses that can have the floor I have come to mind non-Newtonian fluids. With the behavior of such materials with density is constant would have a very soft material and adaptable for actions like sitting down to eat, and a more rigid floor with actions like walking on it.

    Hope that help you!

  3. Borja,

    I like the concept of the action. For me it is good, the only consideration I can suggest you consider is the rigidity of the surface and how loads are distributed over it. In essence it needs to be soft enough to allow the action and create the comfortable situation you intend, but also rigid enough that people who are not kneeling have a steady surface to walk upon.

    Good work,


  4. And if there is an old person get into this space? perhaps these different densities in the floor can be an obstacle. Maybe you can plan only one part of the floor with this material.

  5. The intention is to create a space that is a first time is hard, but once you stand still, this becomes soft and adapted forms. But this action would not be the same way in all parts of the house. Although the shaped material is hard at first, viscolatex himself would cede a bit, so maybe it would be interesting to handle other materials, such as Ageda says.

    For all this would be in specific areas where the width of the material is greater, as it seeks uniformity of uses in the home.

    Thanks to all!
